

I was SO set on having a cute under the sea theme since Elliott has loved the beach so much (and it would just be an aesthetically pleasing look lol), but when talking to our family about it, the only option we knew would make him happy was Blue’s Clues. When I tell you he’s […]


I still can not believe how quickly this year has flown by. It has certainly been a crazy one, but it’s been the best yet. If you follow our family account on Instagram, you’ve seen my monthly updates, but for those who haven’t, here’s a little rundown. Month 1 was spent snuggling nonstop and getting […]


One thing you learn diving head-first into baby stuff is that there are SO MANY OPTIONS FOR EVERYTHING. Which ones work? Which ones don’t? I wanted to go in and list off things we have found to be awesome at keeping our boy happy and healthy (and adorable). Let’s go head to toe here. Elliott […]


As many who follow me on social media know, I am officially a mom! Halfway through the pregnancy, we discovered Elliott had a tumor in his lung called a CPAM. He will have to have surgery in a few months to remove half of his lung along with the tumor. That being said, I wanted […]


This year, I’m offering FOUR different sales!! Two involve mini sessions — something I don’t normally offer, one involves a full session, and the last involves weddings. Buy TWO mini sessions, get $50 off – a perfect gift to keep one for yourself and give one for the holidays! They can also be used at any […]

A lot of moving pieces go into planning a wedding day timeline and we know it can be overwhelming! Grab our free guide to plan the perfect timeline for your day. 

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