For Photographers


When I first started reallllly pondering what I wanted to do in life, photography was the root of my dreams. But everyone I asked about it would tell me how awful it is, that I’d end up hating this passion that I so desperately wanted to fill my time with. And I listened. Six years […]


Back in May, I held my first workshop at the Separk Mansion. We had a real couple as our models, and it just so happened to be Chad’s cousin Cassie and her fiance Corey. Cassie had just started the whole planning phase for her wedding, and hadn’t picked out a dress or anything yet. I […]


It’s time!! Since hosting my first workshop back in May, I’ve had multiple inquiries for when I’d host one on boudoir! The best time seemed to be after wedding season died down, so December 16th is the date 🙂 We will only have a handful of people there so that everyone has a chance to […]


I feel like one of the only things that we can’t control on a wedding day is the weather. It’s that one thing we must chance, and 9 times out of 10, it will all be fine! But over the past week, I’ve seen sooooo many photographers post about being terrified to photograph in the […]


We all crave high-fives, thumbs up, hugs, and support. We crave love, acceptance, and feeling like we are good enough in a world that tells you you’ll never be good enough. As a creative, this can be challenging. You work SO. HARD. You do your very best at something, and then someone will either give […]

A lot of moving pieces go into planning a wedding day timeline and we know it can be overwhelming! Grab our free guide to plan the perfect timeline for your day. 

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