Adventures of Molly

Good Golly Miss Molly | Emergency Vet Extravaganza

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This dog.

“Molly’s sick” the text read.
“She’s throwing up what looks and smells like stool. Dad’s taking her to the vet now.”

And that’s what I woke up to the one night I went back to my house after spending a few days at my parents’ house. I immediately called to see what was going on, and that’s when my sister texted me a photo of my cute little puppy hiding in the corner of the emergency vet’s office – head down and eyes closed. I packed my bags, and headed out.

So how’d this whole thing start? Well, our best two guesses are either a shampoo we used that kills fleas and ticks, or she ate something she shouldn’t have, such as a frog down at the pond. The vet was unsure. We had wanted to get a good 4th of July photo to share, so we gave her a bath and watched as the water running off of her was brown from playing in the mud. I had some doggy shampoo at my house that whitened her fur well, but saw that my parents’ had a different kind in the corner of the bathroom at their house for treating fleas and ticks. I figure with it being tick season, it wouldn’t hurt to use it… but I did not see the warning on the bottle saying there could be a negative reaction to it. During our time trying to get this photo, which was about two hours after using the shampoo on her, we noticed Molly was being her normal goofy self, but she was insisting on eating grass no matter how many times I tried to stop her. That was the first clue that something wasn’t right. From there it just got worse.


When I arrived at the emergency vet’s office, this sweet little girl was covered in drool, smelled terrible, and was hiding between my dad’s feet under the chair. I called her name and she slowly wandered to me with her little tail wagging away, but would stop every few minutes and go into a trance of just hanging her head, tail between her legs, and would just close her eyes. SO. PITIFUL. After working out the payment (yay medical credit cards….), the nurse came in to bring her back. I was told that they would be keeping her overnight, that she could have a blockage. They handed me her collar, and my dad and sister walked with me to our cars.

That night, I got the word that she was doing better, but still not 100%. They would call me the next morning to give me a better update and to say when I could get her. Whenever I woke up, I had a message waiting for me, and it was full of good news and a good laugh. If you know Molly, you know she’s one of the pickiest dogs ever. She doesn’t eat treats usually, and doesn’t care about them. She picks at her food throughout the day instead of eating it all when I give it to her. If she doesn’t have wet dog food mixed in, she basically refuses. So when the vet mentioned in the message how Molly didn’t seem to like any of the food they had available there so she had to buy baby food to ensure Molly would eat something, I had to crack up! That’s my girl! She said she still needed a lot of fluids, and asked me to give them several hours to ensure she was good to go. Around 12:30, my sister and I finally got reunited with this little pup as she came bounding out of the back doors with a little bandage around her paw where they had placed an IV. Her tail was wagging, kisses were flying, and she was ready to go home! For the medical nerds out there who want to see her xrays and the crazy difference from the time we brought her in until the time we left, here ya go!

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It will be several days until she is back to her normal routine, but for now I will enjoy her sweet cuddles, and will NOT be giving her anymore baths with random shampoos.


So although our 4th of July wasn’t as relaxed as I’d have hoped, I’m thankful to have my sweet girl at home! Hope everyone else had a fabulous holiday weekend 🙂

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