
An Engagement to Remember | Charlotte Wedding Photographer

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Every girl dreams of that moment and what it will be like… That moment when the love of their life drops to one knee, and asks if they can marry her. Well, Brandy ruined it a few times. But it makes for an excellent story, so here we go!

It was March. These two had been together for quite some time. Mat knew he wanted to design Brandy’s ring himself, and was trying his best to figure out what would be perfect for her. He’d asked her to send some photos of things she liked, but like most girls, she got on Pinterest and sent over a few of her favorites she found. She emailed him about 8 photos of an oval cut ring. He starts trying to design. She emailed him the next day, and sent photos of a circular cut with diamonds along the side… So, he starts trying to redesign. Then she sent photos of an emerald cut. Then photos of a cushion cut. Princess cut. Every cut. Every design. He would send her a photo of something casually to see if she liked the look, and she’d respond back saying no. Meanwhile, I’m getting messages saying she knew he was about to propose, and she was so excited! He finally figured out the absolute perfect ring for her, sent it off, and was waiting on it to come back. During this time, they took a trip to Ireland – only one of the most beautiful countries ever. I was texting her constantly asking for updates because I KNEW it would happen there! And then one day I got the text… “I just ruined my own proposal. Can’t talk right now, but let’s catch up when I get back!” Um. CLIFF HANGER. I needed to know like INSTANTLY what happened! So I pestered her… and in return, she sent me a photo of her wearing a diamond ring! I was screaming I was so happy! And then she wrote, “JK! It’s the waitress’s ring!“… Okay, okay. I had it coming 😉

It felt like a million years before they returned, and I finally got to hear what happened…
He showed me a claddagh ring in a gift shop, and made a comment about it. I told him it was ugly, and I didn’t want it, thinking he just wanted me to get a souvenir. The look on his face told me something was up… He had plans to get one of those as a place holder, he was going to take me to the Cliffs of Moher, and then he was going to propose right there! But I told him I hated the ring! So he didn’t do it!
I was dying primarily from laughter, but also because I knew how badly she wants to marry this man! So then May started to roll around… I was hosting a workshop at the end of May, and casually asked Brandy if she and Mat would be one set of my models. She accepted, and had NO idea what was in store. I’d already spoken to Mat, and we had plans of getting her all dolled up, bringing her downstairs to do a first look with Mat, and then he was going to make a comment about how she was just missing one little thing, get down on one knee, profess his undying love, my workshop attendees would be crying, I’d be crying, everyone would be crying, and Brandy would say, “YES!” as she cried too, and it would be magical and perfect in every way, including having someone drop flower petals around them from the balcony as they kissed for the first time as to-be husband and wife! THAT IS HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE, GUYS. And then a week prior to, I get informed that Mat broke his knee, and Brandy could no longer do it anyway, yada yada yada. Then they were going to have me come up to Maine for a visit and for Christmas photos, but we all ended up being too busy, I was sick with bronchitis, and it just wasn’t working out…. So, I’m thinking it’s totally gonna happen when I see them at Christmas. And then one day I get a text of her wearing this stunning daggon’ ring while saying she’s engaged. MAT. WE HAD A DEAL. And then I heard the full story of how he asked…

I took her out on a fancy date night to an amazing Italian restaurant. We were stuffed, happy, walking through this beautiful park, and I just knew it was now or never since it was the only time she wouldn’t be expecting it. I figured I needed to pour my heart out, but also needed to not fall over since I was kneeling with bad knees, but before I could even kneel, she was jumping around screaming, ‘YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!’ I told her to hold on, she’s crying and waving her hands in the air, and then I start trying to tell her how much I love her, but the entire time she was just saying, ‘YES!’ I asked for her hand, she gave it to me, and we sat there for ten minutes laughing and crying!

FINALLY engaged, happier than ever, and I have to agree that it was the perfect proposal 😉 Congrats!

Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7066 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7069 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7068 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7070 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7067 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7071 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7072 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7073 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7074 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7075 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7076 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7077 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7078 Charlotte NC Wedding and Boudoir Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography - www.caseyhphotos.com - Also serving Charleston SC RVA Richmond VA NoVa DC and beyond_7079

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