For Photographers

Amy & Jordan, Katelyn James, Coming Together, and my time in Virginia!

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For those that have been following me on Instagram and Facebook, you know I’ve been gone to Virginia for the past week! A few months ago was when I found out that Amy & Jordan were coming to Richmond, and I knew I had to be there. I met these two wonderful people back at the United conference last year, and I instantly knew they would be two people I’d enjoy following and talking to.

Jordan is absolutely head over heels for Amy, and the way he always expresses it is just beautiful. He is always posting the sweetest little love notes about her, and is the best example of how a man should treat the one he loves. And then we have Amy. Joy just radiates from her, and it is a very rare occasion where she isn’t smiling. Together, these two are the perfect couple, and they are SO. FUN. to be around!

When I went to their workshop, I had no clue how impacted I would be by their words. I think that no matter where you are in this industry, you will find inspiration with them. It’s also a nice thing to receive a fresh perspective on how someone else runs their business because they may have more efficient ways of doing things that can cut costs and/or time (which is essentially money). But when you leave somewhere with tears in your eyes, that speaks volumes.

Charlotte Wedding Photographer - Casey Hendrickson Photography_4445After my experience with them, I had one day off between workshops. That’s right! I had ANOTHER workshop on Thursday! On Wednesday, I got together with my good friend Meagan Abell for a little “engagement” session with Sydni and Ethan. We had a total blast just hanging out, asking these two to do ridiculous things, and then grabbed some yummy sandwiches after! Why am I mentioning this? It’s not just to fill some space. I can’t tell you how important it is to work alongside someone else – to see how they pose couples, to see how they view love, to see how they style things. Meagan is known for creating breath-taking images, things that nobody would think of. She’s also the one that taught me how to free-lens, which is one of my favorite techniques to use during emotional times. Meagan just goes for it. She thinks and then creates. And I love it. I encourage everyone to find someone that may be the total opposite style, and just go shoot. Go have fun. Go learn.

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And then Thursday came. I remember thinking, “Oh, I can’t wait to see Katelyn!!” because I couldn’t. And then she called me out on my thought when she said, “I hope you guys didn’t come here just to see me!” Uh…. Noooo! Not I! First up was Amy and Jordan again, and once again, their talk blew me away. Their focus was on social media, and they dove DEEP in about it all, and ended on a positive note that touched every heart. And then Katelyn came up…

If you have ever talked to me about my dream wedding any time in the past 5 years, you know Katelyn will be my wedding photographer. I found her through Jasmine Star (who I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE), and was captivated by her work, especially since she lives only 4 hours from me instead of across the world like most phenomenal photographers everyone knows of. Katelyn had some great points on blogging, but as soon as she began talking about her #KJBrides, I felt my heart swell because it’s something I desire more than anything. I want to be a part of that family she’s created – of loving brides that get so much joy and beauty showcased from their wedding day in ways that others just can’t touch. I have watched her style develop, her brand evolve, and could have just hugged her nonstop the first time I finally got to meet her in person, which, funny enough, was in California and not anywhere near the east coast. When I had my coaching session with her, I left feeling that confirmation that she was THE fit for me and for what I want whenever my big day comes. I may or may not have a #KJBride piggy bank stashed away… And I may or may not have emailed her a couple of years ago asking her to be my photographer when I was definitely single. #Fangirl. When I meet some photographers, I see their passion for what they do, but that’s just where it stops. They love photography, so they do it. Katelyn is different. She LOVES love, she LOVES photography, and she LOVES creating and capturing precious moments that she knows will be cherished for lifetimes. The moment she began talking at the Come Together Event about her past brides and the moments that they’ve cherished the most, about how things change over time in regards to who’s left in a family as babies come in but others may pass, that’s the moment that every soul in the room was open and vulnerable to this idea that wedding photography is so much more than just photography. These images that we capture aren’t for us to show off and brag about – they are for our clients to remember, to show their best friends, to get excited over on their 25th wedding anniversary as they flip through their wedding album all over again, and it’s about capturing that moment in that couple’s lives where they are surrounded by the ones they cherish the most. Tears filled my eyes as I watched Katelyn share her own why. And because I cry when others cry. And everyone was crying. It just reiterated that this is our only shot at life (no pun intended), so do what your heart desires, and have no regrets when your time is up. And that is exactly why Katelyn is my wedding photographer. To me, having a wonderful friend with the most beautiful soul there to capture my special day means more than anything else ever will (except for marrying the love of my life, of course… maybe… 😉 ). Katelyn, thank you so much for opening up your heart, sharing your hardships, being honest on all levels, and for always providing the best hugs 🙂 To Amy and Jordan, thank you for coming allllll the way over here, for telling us stories that will be ingrained in our minds – causing us to smile randomly in public when we see the color yellow, and especially for giving me my dream styled session (KATE SPADE YES YES YES). I love all of you guys so much, and can’t wait until we all meet again!

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